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Who We Are


The mission of B and B Aviaries Survival Center is to ensure the sustainability of Lories and Lorikeets in the wild and captivity.


  • To develop a comprehensive education and awareness program on the issues effecting Island populations of Lories and Lorikeets.
  • To develop husbandry guidelines and an overall population management plan.
  • To educate the public and aviculturists on the conservation issues facing Lories and Lorikeets.
  • To promote a global conservation effort to sustain the species.
  • To develop an animal care manual for this group.

Many Thanks To...

The Hatmans

We'd like to express our great appreciation for Sam and Jeff Hatman having the forethought in creating and maintaining the Exclusively Lories website for almost twenty years. The Exclusively Lories website has enabled people to look up in format pertaining to lories and to keep in contact with the buying and selling of lories. Thank you for allowing the site to continue to be used in the conservation of Lories and Lorikeets.


Elise Staten

This site is dedicated to the memory of Elise Staten. Elise was a committed Lory Breeder who shared our concern for the Lories' future. Not only was she a caring person, she was extremely knowledgeable and willing to share her expertise with others. We owe Elise a great deal for our Lory education and especially her friendship. Her passion for Lories lives on.

To All Bird Curators and Aviculturists,

I would like to introduce myself to you, my name is Robert Skrable. I own a fence company and also work with Lories and Lorikeets here in New Jersey. I am trying to sustain Lories in captivity as well as doing conservation work in the field. Currently, I have 283 specimens of 32 species and subspecies. I do not sell birds or offer birds for sale as pets. All trades are done for gratis. All the money for these projects comes from my own income. Also, I only work with accredited zoos, other breeders, conservation organizations and have been an A.Z.A. member for over thirty five years.

I hope to find at least twenty founders for each species so we can keep the population sustain in captive. This will take the work of people here in the United States, as well as help from our foreign colleagues. Most population studies on Lories in the wild are more than thirty years old. Therefore, we need to get current population studies on all the Lories relatively soon. Some species are only found on one island while others are found on multiple islands. Due to the fact that most Lories are on small island groups, it makes them harder to survey. However, that also means an introduced species or habitat lost could mean the end of that species in the wild.

The trading in Lories is still a problem between islands. I have not seen birds for sale outside of Indonesia. The pet trader here or in Europe is not getting Lories from the wild. The better a species talk the more it is kept by natives as a pet. For example, the Red and Blue, an endangered species, is going from its native's island to the Philippines.

What I am looking for from you and other colleagues here is to breed some of the rarer birds in your collection or trade birds for other more common species. I will also buy or place offspring that you have trouble getting rid of due to space limitation. For the most part, right now in zoos we are not sustaining our bird collection.

I have seen five species disappear in aviculture in jsut the past couple of years. The private Sector is almost gone. There is only one breeder with 150 pairs of birds and she is supplying all the zoos. We could lose another five to ten species within the next two to three years. I will do whatever possible to sustain the birds we have here now, before more species disappear.


Robert Skrable
Director, B and B Aviaries Survival Center

Who We Are


The mission of B and B Aviaries Survival Center is to ensure the sustainability of Lories and Lorikeets in the wild and captivity.


  • To develop a comprehensive education and awareness program on the issues effecting Island populations of Lories and Lorikeets.
  • To develop husbandry guidelines and an overall population management plan.
  • To educate the public and aviculturists on the conservation issues facing Lories and Lorikeets.
  • To promote a global conservation effort to sustain the species.
  • To develop an animal care manual for this group.

Many Thanks To...

The Hatmans

We'd like to express our great appreciation for Sam and Jeff Hatman having the forethought in creating and maintaining the Exclusively Lories website for almost twenty years. The Exclusively Lories website has enabled people to look up in format pertaining to lories and to keep in contact with the buying and selling of lories. Thank you for allowing the site to continue to be used in the conservation of Lories and Lorikeets.


Elise Staten

This site is dedicated to the memory of Elise Staten. Elise was a committed Lory Breeder who shared our concern for the Lories' future. Not only was she a caring person, she was extremely knowledgeable and willing to share her expertise with others. We owe Elise a great deal for our Lory education and especially her friendship. Her passion for Lories lives on.